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Filing a complaint

If our team has not successfully resolved your issues or answered your questions, please use the following procedure to allow us to help you better.

  • Contact the appropriate department for your problem.
  • If you are unsatisfied by the service offered by our agents, send an e-mail to
  • If the follow up done by our specialists still doesn’t meet your expectations, send your complaint directly to : Customer Service Manager - 780, blvd. Casavant O. - Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec) J2S 7S3
  • Ultimately, contact the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS)

CCTS is an independent agency whose mandate is to resolve complaints of individual and small business customers about their telecommunications services.

If you have a complaint about your telephone, wireless, or Internet service, you must first try to resolve it directly with your service provider. If you have done so and have been unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, CCTS may be able to help you, free of charge.

To learn more about CCTS, you may visit its website at or call toll-free at 1 888 221-1687.

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